In March 2022, North Star of Chester County launched our Gas & Food Drive to help the families we serve afford gas and groceries. The cost of food continues to rise while gas remains above $4.00 per gallon. The added cost for these essential goods puts additional strain on the budgets of the North Star participants, which are already stretched to their limit.
North Star supporters donated money and gift cards, totaling a staggering $4,672! These funds were used to purchase gift cards to Wawa and Giant grocery stores for every family in our program.

"Everybody has felt the pain at the pump or noticed the higher price at the register," said Don Neimetz, Executive Director. "Our goal is to respond to the needs of our families, identify where they need help and how to help them as quickly as possible."
Thanks to the outpouring of support for our Gas & Food Drive campaign, hardworking single parents can fill their tank and get to work and no child in our program will go hungry. Gift cards will be distributed the week of Monday, April 11, 2022.